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Chinese translation for "works contractor"


Related Translations:
contractors:  合同商
contractors plant:  施工设备
depotition contractor:  拆毁房屋承包商
contractor evaluation:  承包商评估
delivery contractor:  运送服务承办商
security contractor:  护卫服务承办商
contractor operated:  受合同制约的
demolition contractors:  做拆除工作的承包者
management contractor:  管理承办商
independent contractors:  独立契约
Example Sentences:
1.Disputes with public works contractors referred to arbitrators
2.New works contractors list i
3.It has also agreed to a set of registration requirements in respect of minor works contractors
4.We are glad that our moves along this direction have gained the supports of public works contractors and consultants
5.Under the proposed system , registered minor works contractors may carry out minor works with simplified procedures
6.Under the proposed system , registered minor works contractors may carry out minor works with simplified procedures
7.A . creating a category for " minor works " and a register of " minor works contractors " for amenity features and signboards
8.A . creating a category for " minor works " and a register of " minor works contractors " for amenity features and signboards ; b
9.7 . 3 it is proposed that the rectification works should be carried out by registered general building contractors rgbcs and registered minor works contractors rmwcs
7 . 3至于维修工程方面,我们建议应由注册一般建筑承建商及注册小型工程承建商
10.The working group has drawn up a detailed list in respect of minor works that can be carried out by registered minor works contractors or registered workers
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